Wanda Franek: “Tik Tok is new and quite mysterious for me, it convinced me that I’m not so super young anymore:) I chose a little fragment of “Apollo et Hyacinthus”, the first opera written by W.A. Mozart. Mozart composed it when he was eleven years old and it’s really amazing how young people can be so creative and extraordinary. Would he be running his TikTok account if he lived right now? Let’s bring this genius teenager to life with TikTok! I’m proud I can lend my voice to him to do this:)”

Grzegorz Wełnicki: “My adventure with TikTok began simultaneously with the lockdown in Poland. I have spent a few days looking through the app, unfortunately most of the content was not interesting for me.With time, short films from such protests as #protestkobiet (women’s protest) #czarnyprotest (black protest) or #BLM started to pop up on my phone, and they had 9,9B views! Young people started to use the funny application as a loudspeaker for important issues in the world today. I thought this might be an interesting tool to catch young peoples’ interest and direct it towards opera. This is how, together with artist Wanda Franek and Polish Opera Now, the first opera TikTok production was created.”


“Impression” by Leszek Wisłocki



Zrzut ekranu 2020-12-9 o 11.54.40

Mistero di Antonia