Andrzej Miękus
Andrzej Miękus is a creator, screenwriter and director of independent documentaries, and creative producer and creator of art films, commercials, music videos and TV programs. Head of a creative boutique Boom Productions movie.
His documentary productions include: The Quest – a story of the American scientist Howard Urnovitz, who over 45 years ago swore to his mother who was dying of cancer that he would devote his life to finding a cure for cancer. He kept his word.
Harley’s Unknown Mission – tell a story of how abandoned by the Red Army after World War II, the world’s iconic Harley Davidson motorcycles paved the way for young people’s freedom who have been living behind the Iron Curtain. In development.
Angels from Sinjar – a film directed by Hanna Polak, of which Andrzej is the originator and co-author tells the story of Yazidi women, victims of ISIS and their way back to life. Premiere foreseen in 2021.
Andrzej Miękus is also the creator of music videos for Kasia Cerekwicka (In the pursuit of happiness) and Marek Napiórkowski (Hipokamp) and many films and commercials. He co-created – as publisher and / or editor-in-chief the following publishing projects: Malemen, Champion, Businessman Magazine, Reader’s Digest Review and Moda na Zdrowie.